Archive for quizzik
Center World 6.10
And now they’re gone.
Apologies for the skipped update! I got pretty sick & needed some time to recover.
I’m also taking this time to put out a reminder about my Kofi page if you want to toss me a few dollars to support what I do! Thanks!
Center World 6.8
It’s the first comic of February, so you know what that means!
Center World 6.7
Hey, Quizzik! It’s been a while!
In cased you missed my announcement on Twitter, I’m updating every Saturday instead of aiming for Thursday! My work schedule changed since I first decided to aim for Thursday, and I realized it was time for a change so I could actually hit my targets.
Center World 5.1
First actual page for this chapter, and a new month! So if you enjoy my comic, consider voting for me on Top Web Comics!
Center World 4.20
With this update, I’m going on a short Christmas break. I’ll be back with more pages on January 12th!